Hannover Messe
The new ELX series EtherCAT Terminals enable direct connection of field devices located in hazardous areas up to Zone 0. Beckhoff offers a system-integrated solution for explosion protection with a comprehensive portfolio of explosion-proof components for barrier-free concepts right into Zone 0. The range of products includes, among others, specific interfaces and protocols for process technology in TwinCAT, the CPX series Control Panels and Panel PCs and the ELX series EtherCAT Terminals.
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Ultra compactes, les nouvelles bornes EtherCAT à sécurité intrinsèque offrent une connexion directe aux équipements de terrain, jusqu’en zone Ex 0
Avec leurs entrées/sorties de sécurité intrinsèque, les nouvelles bornes EtherCAT ultra compactes de la série ELX, permettent un raccordement direct des équipements de terrain dans les zones Ex 0, 1 et 2. La solution automates base PC de Beckhoff, regroupe tous les avantages du diagnostic intégré qu’offre le système EtherCAT, permettant de combiner à la fois l’automatisme et le process.

ELXxxxx | Explosion protection (Ex i)
The EtherCAT Terminals from the ELX series with intrinsically safe inputs/outputs enable the connection of field devices up to zone 0/20.

CPX29xx, CPX39xx | Ex Control Panels
The Control Panel series CPX29xx and CPX39xx offer multi-touch technology for distances of up to 100 meters for use in zone 2/22.

CPX27xx, CPX37xx | Ex Panel PCs
The CPX27xx and CPX37xx Panel PC series for use in zone 2/22 offer multi-touch technology and multi-core performance.