
Apr 30, 2017

Hannover Messe

With the new CPX Control Panel series, the success story of the Beckhoff multi-touch panels will continue, from now on also in process industry applications, that is, in hazardous areas classified Zone 2 and 22. Beckhoff offers a system-integrated solution for explosion protection with a comprehensive portfolio of explosion-proof components for barrier-free concepts right into Zone 0. The range of products includes, among others, specific interfaces and protocols for process technology in TwinCAT, the CPX series Control Panels and Panel PCs and the ELX series EtherCAT Terminals.

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Alta qualidade em um elegante design: Painéis Multi-touch para zona Ex 2

Ao integrar sistematicamente tecnologias avançadas multi-touch em seu portifólio de Painel de Controle e Painel PC, a Beckhoff forneceu aos fabricantes de máquinas, fabricantes e outras indústrias conceitos de interface com o futuro durante anos. Com a nova série de Control Panel CPX, as aplicações em áreas classificadas como zona 2/22 também podem se beneficiar. A alta qualidade da construção e carcaça de alumínio robusto garantem confiabilidade e durabilidade em condições adversas e potencialmente explosivas. Isso oferece vantagens significativas em termos de operação, aparência e design para aplicações em processos industriais.

CPX29xx, CPX39xx | Ex Control Panels

CPX29xx, CPX39xx | Ex Control Panels

The Control Panel series CPX29xx and CPX39xx offer multi-touch technology for distances of up to 100 meters for use in zone 2/22.

CPX27xx, CPX37xx | Ex Panel PCs

CPX27xx, CPX37xx | Ex Panel PCs

The CPX27xx and CPX37xx Panel PC series for use in zone 2/22 offer multi-touch technology and multi-core performance.

CPX37xx | Multi-touch Panel PC

CPX37xx | Multi-touch Panel PC

With the CPX Panel PC series, the proven multi-touch technology of Beckhoff Panel PCs is available in particularly robust versions, complying with the requirements for use in hazardous areas classified zone 2/22. The high level of functionality and excellent build quality ensure the reliability of CPX panels even under harsh environmental conditions. The capacitive touch technology provides the typical convenient operation of all Beckhoff multi-touch panels. The aesthetically pleasing appearance of the panel and the look and feel of the aluminum housing are maintained, making them visual highlights in explosion-proof environments.

CPX27xx | Fanless multi-touch built-in Panel PC

CPX27xx | Fanless multi-touch built-in Panel PC

CPX27xx for application in hazardous areas, zone 2/22 With the CPX Panel PC series, the proven multi-touch technology of Beckhoff Panel PCs is available in particularly robust versions, complying with the requirements for use in hazardous areas classified zone 2/22. The high level of functionality and excellent build quality ensure the reliability of CPX panels even under harsh environmental conditions. The capacitive touch technology provides the typical convenient operation of all Beckhoff multi-touch panels. The aesthetically pleasing appearance of the panel and the look and feel of the aluminum housing are maintained, making them visual highlights in explosion-proof environments.

CPX39xx | Multi-touch Control Panel with CP-Link 4 – The One Cable Display Link

CPX39xx | Multi-touch Control Panel with CP-Link 4 – The One Cable Display Link

With the CPX Control Panel series, the proven multi-touch technology of Beckhoff Control Panels is available in particularly robust versions, complying with the requirements for use in hazardous areas classified zone 2/22. The high level of functionality and excellent build quality ensure the reliability of CPX Control Panels even under harsh environmental conditions.

CPX29xx | Multi-touch built-in Control Panel with DVI/USB Extended interface

CPX29xx | Multi-touch built-in Control Panel with DVI/USB Extended interface

With the CPX Control Panel series, the proven multi-touch technology of Beckhoff Control Panels is available in particularly robust versions, complying with the requirements for use in hazardous areas classified zone 2/22. The high level of functionality and excellent build quality ensure the reliability of CPX Control Panels even under harsh environmental conditions.



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CPX27xx-0010 | Fanless multi-touch built-in Panel PC

CPX27xx-0010 | Fanless multi-touch built-in Panel PC

CPX37xx-0010 | Multi-touch Panel PC

CPX37xx-0010 | Multi-touch Panel PC

CP29xx-0000 | Multi-touch built-in Control Panel with DVI/USB Extended interface

CP29xx-0000 | Multi-touch built-in Control Panel with DVI/USB Extended interface

CP39xx-0010 | Multi-touch Control Panel with CP-Link 4

CP39xx-0010 | Multi-touch Control Panel with CP-Link 4