The AMP8000 integrates a servo drive directly into a servomotor in an ultra-compact design.
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AMP8000: Distribuerat servo drivsystem
Det distribuerade servosystemet AMP8000 öppnar nya möjligheter för modulära och kompakta maskinlösningar. AMP8000 integrerar servodriften direkt i servomotorn i mycket kompakt design. Genom att flytta kraftelektroniken direkt till maskinen minskar platsbehovet i apparatskåpet till en mycket liten kopplingsmodul som via en strömfördelningsmodul och med endast en enda kabel förser flera servosystem med energi. Resultatet: tydliga besparingar gällande material, plats, kostnader och montering.
Distributed drive systems
These highly efficient drive systems for modular and control cabinet-free machines combine the servo drive and motor in a single unit.
Entertainment industry
Ultimate guest experience: PC-based control for the entertainment industry
Handling and assembly technology
PC-based control technology from Beckhoff optimizes the entire process chain: from handling, production, and assembly to testing, control, and management.
Woodworking machines
PC-based control from Beckhoff provides a competitive edge in the woodworking industry by optimizing transport and handling along with edge, CNC and surface processing.
Packaging machines
PC-based control significantly increases the productivity and flexibility of packaging machines and lowers the consumption of resources.
Machine tools
Scalability and high performance: The integrated software CNC solution from Beckhoff increases the productivity of machine tools.
Window production machines
PC-based control solutions from Beckhoff increase the efficiency and performance of window production machines and also simplify engineering.
Tire and rubber industry
Leading the way in the rubber and tire industry: PC-based control technology from Beckhoff optimizes the production process.