
Sídlo Česká republika
Beckhoff Automation s.r.o.

Sochorova 23
61600 Brno, Česká republika

+420 511 189-250

AM8000 servomotors with Beckhoff Smart System Diagnosis (B/SSD)

Monitor system and motor status in real time with minimal effort

As an option, the AM8000, AM8300, AM8500, AM8700, and AM8800 series servomotors are available with the innovative Beckhoff Smart System Diagnosis. With B/SSD, it is possible to monitor motors and systems in real time with minimal effort and to implement effective predictive maintenance.

Precise measurement of vibrations, humidity, and temperatures directly in the motor provides the basis for statistical evaluation with TwinCAT Analytics and, hence, for effective predictive maintenance. This allows machine conditions and processes to be monitored and any necessary action to be taken in a timely manner to ensure efficient operation and maximum machine uptime. B/SSD uses the proven One Cable Technology (OCT), which eliminates the need for additional sensors and sensor cables

Thanks to full integration in TwinCAT Analytics, both live data and historical data can be recorded, clearly visualized, and processed into valuable information with B/SSD for machine optimization. Vibration measurements can be performed as an average value (RMS), with peak values, or statistically (kurtosis) up to +/-50 g.

Ms. Kateřina Frodlová

Ms. Kateřina Frodlová
Beckhoff Automation s.r.o.
Building of Facility System Hub®
Bratislavská 614
91105 Trenčín

+420 511 189-250