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Beckhoff Automation AG

Rheinweg 7
8200 Schaffhouse, Suisse

+41 52 633 40 40

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+41 52 633 40 40
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CP6900, CP6906 | Economy built-in Control Panel with DVI/USB Extended interface

CP6900, CP6906 | Economy built-in Control Panel with DVI/USB Extended interface

CP6900, CP6906 | Economy built-in Control Panel with DVI/USB Extended interface

CP6900, CP6906 | Economy built-in Control Panel with DVI/USB Extended interface

CP6900, CP6906 | Economy built-in Control Panel with DVI/USB Extended interface



CP6900, CP6906 | Economy built-in Control Panel with DVI/USB Extended interface

CP6900, CP6906 | Economy built-in Control Panel with DVI/USB Extended interface

CP6900, CP6906 | Economy built-in Control Panel with DVI/USB Extended interface

CP6900, CP6906 | Economy built-in Control Panel with DVI/USB Extended interface



Economy control panels and panel PCs

Economy control panels and panel PCs

The CP6900 and CP6906 Economy Control Panels supplement the Industrial PC entry level class by two built-in Control Panels with DVI/USB Extended interface. The Panels are designed for installation in the front of a control cabinet and have a 7-inch or 10.1-inch touch screen display. In combination with the compact Embedded PCs from the CX series or the Industrial PCs of the type C6xxx, a low-cost PC/panel system results. A 24 V power supply unit is included with the Control Panel. The integrated DVI/USB Extended technology enables the Panel to be positioned up to 50 m from the PC.

Flexible expansion options

The optional C9900-G07x push-button extensions supplement the CP6906 and CP6900 Economy Control Panels by an emergency stop and three push-buttons with signal lamps.

Advantage at the very core: the Beckhoff Industrial PCs

Beckhoff is a pioneer in PC-based automation technology and has been developing and producing its own PC hardware since 1986. The technology know-how that has grown over the past decades is incorporated today into all Beckhoff Industrial PCs. Their principle feature is the use of state-of-the-art components and processors of the highest performance class. Combined with a high in-house production depth, including proprietary motherboard production, long-term component availability, extremely flexible configuration and customer-specific adaptations, Beckhoff presents itself today as one of the world's leading Industrial PC manufacturers.

Product status:

regular delivery

Product variantsTransmission technologyProduct status
CP6900-0001-0010DVI/USB Extended 2.0regular delivery
CP6906-0001-0010DVI/USB Extended 2.0regular delivery

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