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Văn Phòng Đại Diện tại Việt Nam

#29.05, Tòa nhà Pearl Plaza, 561A, Đường Điện Biên Phủ
Phường 25, Quận Bình Thạnh
Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam

+84 28 7300-2439

AM8833 | Stainless steel servomotor 1.85 Nm (M0), R3 (89 mm)

AM8833 | Stainless steel servomotor 1.85 Nm (M0), R3 (89 mm)

AM8833 | Stainless steel servomotor 1.85 Nm (M0), R3 (89 mm)

AM8833 | Stainless steel servomotor 1.85 Nm (M0), R3 (89 mm)

AM8833 | Stainless steel servomotor 1.85 Nm (M0), R3 (89 mm)

The AM8833 stainless steel servomotor is suitable for use in the food, chemical and pharmaceutical industries in the 100…480 V AC voltage range. The standstill torque of the motor is 1.85 Nm. It is available with the OCT feedback system (absolute encoder). The stainless steel servomotor with flange code R3 (89 mm) and motor length 3 has a shaft diameter b = 14 k6 and a free shaft end of d = 30 mm.

Product status:

regular delivery

Product variantsStandstill torqueStandstill currentRated speed
AM8833-wDyz1.85 Nm1.25 A3000 min-1

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