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#29.05, Tòa nhà Pearl Plaza, 561A, Đường Điện Biên Phủ
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Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam

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AX2090-TT80-0016 | Grid feed-in | Isolating transformer for AX8000, 16 kVa

AX2090-TT80-0016 | Grid feed-in | Isolating transformer for AX8000, 16 kVa

AX2090-TT80-0016 | Grid feed-in | Isolating transformer for AX8000, 16 kVa

AX2090-TT80-0016 | Grid feed-in | Isolating transformer for AX8000, 16 kVa

AX2090-TT80-0016 | Grid feed-in | Isolating transformer for AX8000, 16 kVa

The AX8000 servo drive series is suitable for operation on grounded single-phase or three-phase grids. Connection to TN grids (French: Terre Neutre) or to TT grids (French: Terre Terre) is possible without further measures. For all other grids, operation is only possible on so-called isolating transformers. An isolating transformer is a mains transformer that transmits the mains voltage to the secondary winding via a protective isolation (electrical isolation), where it makes a grid available with a grounded star point.


The use of an isolating transformer is possible with the following grid forms:


  • - IT grid (French: Isolé Terre)
  • - Ungrounded grids
  • - Asymmetrically grounded grids


Typical American grids for which an isolating transformer is required:


  • - Corner-grounded Delta system / solidly-grounded Delta system
  • - Ungrounded Delta system
  • - Ungrounded split-phase system (2 phases, 180° phase shift)

Note: Operation on the split-phase system with a grounded midpoint is allowed without an isolating transformer

Product status:

regular delivery

Product information

Ordering information
AX2090-TT80-0016isolating transformer for isolated (IT) or corner grounded power supplies, for AX8620 and AMP8620 power supply module (3~), 16 kVa

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