
Apr 4, 2018

Light + Building 2018: The new generation in building control

Light + Building: The new generation in building control

At the Light + Building 2018 Beckhoff presented its new software generation for building automation: TwinCAT 3 Building Automation meshes with TwinCAT 3 modules for HMI and IoT, along with Analytics and Scope and bundles all important functions for building automation in one tool.

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The TwinCAT software system turns almost any PC-based system into a real-time control with multiple PLC, NC, CNC and/or robotics runtime systems.



TwinCAT biedt u talrijke mogelijkheden en een breed aanbod van software functieblokken voor alle automatiseringstaken.

Building automation

Building automation

PC-based control from Beckhoff integrates all building automation functions on one control platform.

AV and media technology

AV and media technology

PC-based control for media and control technology: combined on a single platform