
Sede centrale Svizzera
Beckhoff Automation AG

Rheinweg 7
8200 Schaffhausen, Svizzera

+41 52 633 40 40

Supporto tecnico Schaffhausen (German)

+41 52 633 40 40
Modulo di contatto

Supporto tecnico Arbon (German)

+41 71 447 10 80

Supporto tecnico Lyssach (German)

+41 34 447 44 88

Supporto tecnico Yverdon-les-Bains (French)

+41 24 447 27 00

Supporto tecnico Losone (Italian)

+41 91 792 24 40

I/O systems with extended product specifications suit demanding applications

Standard I/O components from Beckhoff provide increased load capacity in extreme environments

Beckhoff offers a wide range of products for harsh operating conditions, such as extreme temperatures or mechanical stresses due to shock and vibration. The most significant benefit is that these higher requirements can be met with standard Beckhoff I/O components without added costs. This allows the exceptionally versatile standard portfolio of Bus Terminals, EtherCAT Terminals, and EtherCAT Box modules to be used in difficult environmental conditions.

Many industries and areas of application place increased demands on the load capacity of automation components, due to difficult environmental conditions. Examples include presses, wind turbines, and all applications in which shock and vibration stresses or high temperatures can occur during day-to-day operations.

Such demanding applications require a suitably robust I/O system, as well as the flexibility that a standard portfolio offers with its variety of components and signals. Beckhoff has implemented this level of performance with extended specifications for a large number of the company’s Bus Terminals, EtherCAT Terminals, and the IP 67 rated EtherCAT Box modules from the EP and ER series.

Extended temperature range and increased mechanical load capacity

Even in standard versions, Beckhoff I/O components are designed for extended temperatures, ranging from -25 to +60 °C. The I/O system can thus withstand extreme heat and cold, and provide increased climatic resistance.

The “Extended” components also offer greater mechanical load capacity. For instance, the IP 20 terminals are vibration-proof up to 5 g (according to EN 60068-2-6) and shock-resistant up to 25 g (continuous shock for 6 ms, EN 60068-2-27). The Extended EtherCAT Box modules can even withstand continuous shocks up to 35 g for 11 ms.

Optional coating of the PCBs in Beckhoff IP 20 terminals and Embedded PCs is also available at a minimal cost. This coating offers the electronic sub-assemblies of the IP 20 I/O components improved protection against harmful environmental influences.

Ms. Elena Briganti

Ms. Elena Briganti
Beckhoff Automation S.r.l.
Via Luciano Manara, 2
20812 Limbiate, MB

+39 02 99453-11