
Apr 25, 2023 5:00:00 PM

TwinCAT 3.1: The new Build 4026 – Introduction

With the new Build 4026, Beckhoff is integrating a whole host of new features into the TwinCAT 3.1 automation software. This 30-minute webinar will see Dr. Josef Papenfort, TwinCAT product manager, present the new Build 4026 and answer any questions you may have.

Further details on package management and PLC will be covered in separate webinars:

The new TwinCAT 3.1 Build 4026 – Package Management

The new TwinCAT 3.1 Build 4026 – PLC updates

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TwinCAT on ainutlaatuinen automaation ohjelmistoympäristö, joka on avoin, modulaarinen ja kaikkien saatavilla. Se sisältää runsaasti toiminnallisuuksia ja laajenee jatkuvasti uusille automaation sovellusalueille.