New Control Panels have been developed for universal application as control units for the tool machine industry. The U-shaped arrangement of the control keys (i.e. control keys arranged on the sides and function keys below the display) matches that of the Transline concept commonly used in the automotive industry. A push-button extension that has been optimized for CNC applications is available for simple and convenient machine operation. Control Panels with tool machine push-button extension are optionally available with built-in or mounting arm housing. As with all Control Panels, the design, equipment, functionality, etc. can be adapted to customer requirements.
Product status:
service phase | Possibly with other technical features or equipment in case of a service order or repair
Product information
C9900-E78x | CNC push-button extension for built-in Control Panel, Economy built-in Panel PC and Panel PC |
Features | CNC push-button extension for tool machines at Control Panel CP6942, CP7942 and Panel PC CP6242, CP6442, CP6542 and CP7242 |
push-button extension below | |
2 push-button keys with signal lamp, type Siemens Signum round, directly wireable | |
1 emergency stop key Siemens Signum, directly wireable | |
1 key switch, type Siemens Signum round, directly wireable | |
45 membrane keys with a LED in each key, controlled via USB | |
inscription of the keys via slide-in labels | |
1 graycode switch with 17 positions, controlled via USB | |
1 graycode switch with 23 positions, controlled via USB |
Ordering information | CNC push-button extension for built-in Control Panel, Economy built-in Panel PC and Panel PC |
C9900-E786 | CNC push-button extension for Panel PC CP6442 and CP6542, with circular plug-in connector |
C9900-E787 | CNC push-button extension for DVI/USB Extended built-in Control Panel CP6942 and Economy built-in Panel PC CP6242, with circular plug-in connector |
C9900-E789 | CNC push-button extension for DVI/USB Control Panel CP7842 and DVI/USB Extended Economy Control Panel CP7942, mounting arm mountable from top or bottom, mounting arm system RolecTara Plus part no. 149.025.012, 149.025.013, 149.025.014, 149.035.012, 149.035.013 or 149.035.015 at the Control Panel backplane |
C9900-E791 | CNC push-button extension for economy Panel PC CP7242 with circular plug-in connector between push-button extension and connection section, mounting arm connection from top |
Options | CNC push-button extension for built-in Control Panel, Economy built-in Panel PC and Panel PC |
C9900-E181 | connection IP65 for control unit Euchner HBA-079827 at the bottom of the CNC push-button extension |
C9900-M203 | mounting arm adapter plate with a cable pit centrically attached at the Control Panel with push-button extension CP7842 or CP7942 for mounting arm system Rose GTN 49.477300 instead of Rolec Tara Plus mounting arm from top, wiring through the mounting arm, 2-port USB interface on the side with screw cap IP65 |
C9900-M204 | mounting arm adapter plate with a cable pit centrically attached at the Control Panel with push-button extension CP7842 or CP7942 for mounting arm system Rose GTN 49.477300 instead of Rolec Tara Plus mounting arm from bottom, wiring through the mounting arm, 2-port USB interface on the side with screw cap IP65 |
C9900-M205 | mounting arm adapter plate with a cable pit centrically attached at the Control Panel CP78xx or CP79xx with push-button extension for mounting arm system Rittal CP6206.490 instead of Rolec Tara Plus; mounting arm from top or bottom, wiring through the mounting arm with cable gland M25 in the wiring area of the mounting arm adapter plate; circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on request. |
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