
Headquarters Singapore
Beckhoff Automation Pte. Ltd.

#05-07/08 Nordic European Centre
3 International Business Park
Singapore 609927, Singapore

+65 6697 6220

KL4xxx | Bus Terminals, analog output

The KL4xxx and KM4xxx Bus Terminals output different analog signals. The standard signals typically encountered in the automation industry are supported, with the levels 0 to 10 V, ±10 V, 0 to 20 mA and 4 to 20 mA. Bus terminals with current outputs >20 mA are assigned to the KL2xxx product group.

Beckhoff offers the right product for every application in the product portfolio of analog bus terminals due to different numbers of channels and resolutions.


  • robust output of analog signals with long-term availability
  • fine scalability of channel density and functional scope
  • universally applicable from mechanical engineering to building control
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