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TwinCAT Chat

More productivity with AI-assisted engineering

TwinCAT projects with AI-assisted engineering

Product manager Jannis Doppmeier explains how large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT from OpenAI can be conveniently used in the TwinCAT XAE engineering environment to develop projects.
Product manager Jannis Doppmeier explains how large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT from OpenAI can be conveniently used in the TwinCAT XAE engineering environment to develop projects.

Beckhoff has developed TwinCAT Chat for the TwinCAT XAE engineering environment. With TwinCAT Chat, large language models such as ChatGPT from OpenAI can be conveniently used to develop a TwinCAT project. This increases productivity in control programming.

Profitable use of LLMs

Large language models (LLMs) are created based on a neural network and trained with a large number of texts. LLMs have become widespread in recent years and are used for a whole host of tasks, including as the basis for chatbots or language translation tools. They also offer a number of advantages for programming and have the potential to revolutionize the development process by automatically generating and completing code.

TwinCAT Chat harnesses the new possibilities that LLMs provide: AI-assisted engineering with automated creation of – or addition to – code or code optimization, code documentation, and restructuring.

How does TwinCAT Chat work?

The global chat window in TwinCAT XAE connects to the host cloud of the respective LLM – i.e., Microsoft AzureTM for ChatGPT. It provides a user interface and enables TwinCAT projects to be modified via the Automation Interface, among other elements.

The LLM integration is specially optimized for TwinCAT 3 users – i.e., the knowledge base has been extensively supplemented with TwinCAT-specific content. This means that specific questions can be asked directly without needing to inform the LLM that TwinCAT is being used and that the code examples are expected in structured text (ST). The generated code can then be transferred directly. This saves time and minimizes the potential for errors, which is high for manual transfer. The LLM is deeply integrated and specialized in engineering, which simplifies the development process considerably and offers a clear advantage over simply using ChatGPT in the web browser, for example, as communication and code exchange are seamlessly interwoven.

TwinCAT Chat – AI assistant simplifies the engineering process
TwinCAT Chat – AI assistant simplifies the engineering process

Using TwinCAT Chat functions

New practical TwinCAT Chat functions are currently under development. In addition to a chatbot interface to the extensive Beckhoff documentation system, there will also be the possibility to create and set up I/O configurations directly from the chat. There is even the option to create TwinCAT HMI controls automatically. The aim is for users to simply be able to state how they want their HMI to be structured. TwinCAT Chat then places the HMI control in the background and establishes the link to the PLC. This means that an HMI page can be generated far more quickly and easily.

TwinCAT Chat allows users to comment on, synthesize, and edit code to streamline the development process. Automatically provided additional information helps to improve code quality and avoid errors. Libraries and existing project structures are taken into account during code synthesis so that any suggestions are always relevant and context-related. A clear merge view makes it easier to track changes, while numerous usability functions allow for the simple transfer and adaptation of code. The process of referencing program objects and project information has also been streamlined significantly to optimize workflows.

TwinCAT Chat allows users to create I/O topologies effortlessly via chat, including renaming terminals and configuring new I/O modules. In the future, it will be possible to adjust parameters individually, while an intelligent assistant will provide support with the optimum configuration. The AI provides targeted suggestions that make the whole process easier; however, the final decision and fine-tuning remain in the hands of the user. This not only speeds up the I/O configuration, but also makes it particularly flexible for specific requirements.

With TwinCAT Chat, users can create entire HMI pages from sketches or make specific adjustments in no time at all. It automatically recognizes controls, allows for flexible customization of design themes, and generates code for server extensions. PLC variables can also be linked automatically, which speeds up the process further still. From creating entire pages to making minor tweaks, everything can be conveniently controlled via the chat. The AI provides support, but the user retains full control and verifies all suggestions. This makes HMI creation more efficient while remaining customizable.

Find out more about TwinCAT Chat and the latest developments in our interview with product managers Jannis Doppmeier and Fabian Bause:




The TwinCAT software system turns almost any PC-based system into a real-time control with multiple PLC, NC, CNC and/or robotics runtime systems.

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