Ar norėtumėte atsisakyti myBeckhoff prenumeratos?
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Biuras Kaune Beckhoff Automation OÛ
+370 605 42400
The high-speed real-time Ethernet fieldbus.
According to the European standard EN 50170.
Fieldbus for the sensor/actuator level
The event-controlled multi-master system.
Based on CAN according to EN50325.
The open serial communication protocol.
Simple protocol based on RS485.
Simple protocol based on RS232.
ADS and Modbus TCP communication
Industrial Ethernet standard of the PNO.
Industrial Ethernet standard of the ODVA.
The Beckhoff Fieldbus Box modules are available for all common fieldbuses.
Norėdami toliau naudotis myBeckhoff platforma, turite sutikti su eksporto kontrolės ir sankcijų laikymosi sąlygomis.Jei nesutinkate su šiomis sąlygomis, būsite automatiškai išregistruotas iš myBeckhoff platformos.
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