
본사 대한민국
Beckhoff Automation Co., Ltd.

대륭테크노타운 3차 12층
가산디지털2로 115
08505 금천구, 서울특별시, 대한민국

+82 2 2107-3242

Interactive Automation Days

The program in the Media Center

Interactive Automation Days

Inspiration für Automation

You can find the complete program of the three Interactive Automation Days at a glance here.

Flexible and modular automation

25 years of Bus Terminals, a revolutionary idea became a fundamental element of automation
Michael Jost | Senior Product Manager I/O systems and EtherCAT

PC-based control: first steps into the Beckhoff system
Béla Höfig | Product Management TwinCAT
Fabio Innocenti | Product Management Industrial PC
Irina Koring | Product Management I/O

The ultra-compact Industrial PC generation
Felix Wildemann | Product Management Industrial PC

Compact, strong, reliable: the Beckhoff power supplies
Christian Jürgenhake | Product Management I/O

Product update

I/O product innovations and extensions
Michael Jost | Senior Product Manager I/O systems and EtherCAT
Sina Sampl | Product Management I/O

Research & Development

GAIA-X, the data space for digital Industrie 4.0?
Gerd Hoppe | Corporate Management

Innovative and smart automation

XPlanar: Flying Motion
Felix Schulte | Product Management XPlanar

TwinCAT Machine Learning: scalable, open and in real-time
Dr.-Ing. Fabian Bause | Product Manager TwinCAT

TwinCAT Vision: integrates image processing into the automation
Michael Busch | Product Manager TwinCAT Vision

TwinCAT/BSD: Operating system for Industrial PCs
Heiko Wilke | Product Manager Embedded PC
Jannis Höwelkröger | Product Specialist Embedded PC

Implementing intelligent operator interface concepts in Industrie 4.0 environments using IPC platforms with integrated cloud communications
Roland van Mark | Senior Product Manager Industrial PC
Dr.-Ing. Josef Papenfort | Senior Product Manager TwinCAT

Product update

Product innovations and extensions for the drive technology range
Dirk Hansen | Senior Product Manager Drive Technology
Sven Arne Lange | Product Manager Drive Technology
Christian Mische | Senior Product Manager Drive Technology
Michael Pfister | Senior Product Manager Drive Technology
Angela Vogt | Product Management Drive Technology

Customer services

By engineers for engineers: the Beckhoff sales team
Stefan Sieber | Sales
Kai Ristau | Head of International Sales and Business Development

Product update

Product innovations and extensions for the Industrial PC range
Roland van Mark | Senior Product Manager Industrial PC
Fabio Innocenti | Product Management Industrial PC

Cloud- and data-based automation

Smart engineering directly in the cloud: TwinCAT Cloud Engineering
Sven Goldstein | Product Manager TwinCAT Connectivity & IoT

TwinCAT Analytics: from data acquisition to one-click dashboard
Pascal Dresselhaus | Product Manager TwinCAT

The TwinCAT Module Type Package: standardized interfaces for modular systems
Dr.-Ing. Henning Mersch | Product Manager TwinCAT
Laurids Wetzel | Branch Management Process Industry

Dynamic and safe automation

The new generation of highly dynamic linear servomotors
Andreas Golf | Senior Product Manager Drive Technology
Angela Vogt | Product Management Drive Technology

Compact Drive Technology: the new generation of servo terminals
Dieter Lippe | Product Management I/O
Marvin Düsterhus | Technical Support

TwinSAFE: Product innovations and extensions for the safety range
Dr. rer. nat. Martin Früchtl | Safety Technology