
ERI1xxx | Digital input
The ERI1xxx digital inputs acquire the binary control signals from the process level and transmit them to the higher-level automation unit.

ERI2xxx | Digital output
The ERI2xxx digital outputs connect the binary control signals from the automation unit on to the actuators at the process level.

ERI23xx | Digital combi
The ERI23xx digital I/O modules combine digital inputs and digital outputs in one device.

ERI3xxx | Analog input
The ERI3174 IO-Link box has four analog inputs which can be individually parameterized.

ERI4xxx | Analog output
The ERI4374 IO-Link box combines two analog inputs and two analog outputs which can be individually parameterized.
The IO-Link box modules with zinc die-cast housing enable cost-effective and flexible sensor connections in extremely harsh environments. They are especially suitable for heavy duty applications in extremely harsh industrial and process environments. The fully sealed design and metal surfaces are ideal for enhanced load capacity and protection against weld spatter.