
I/O news

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I/O accessory portfolio: Connection technology innovations

I/O accessory portfolio: Connection technology innovations

Our extensive portfolio of I/O accessories, including connectors, power and data cables, is continuously being expanded. In this video, our experts present our range of accessories, innovations, and demonstrate the benefits of the One Cable Automation principle.

Mastering time: Distributed clocks in the EtherCAT system

Mastering time: Distributed clocks in the EtherCAT system

In this video, Karsten Schätzle, I/O product specialist, delineates the role of clocks and synchronization in EtherCAT and PC-based automation technology using DC (distributed clocks) technology.

EtherCAT digital terminals: Tried-and-tested features for maximum flexibility

EtherCAT digital terminals: Tried-and-tested features for maximum flexibility

Implementing advanced components assures future-proofing and guarantees long-term availability. Beckhoff has therefore developed the new EL14xx and EL24xx EtherCAT Terminals. These combine proven functions with optimized circuit architecture. Find out more about the technical details and functionalities in the video.

TwinSAFE innovations: Software update and new hardware

TwinSAFE innovations: Software update and new hardware

TwinSAFE offers a variety of hardware and software components for functional safety. Dr. Martin Früchtl, Safety product manager, presents new safety I/Os in this video and explains how the EL6910 TwinSAFE Logic becomes a safety controller in an industrial PC.

Analog multi-I/Os with 16 bits and up to 8 channels

Analog multi-I/Os with 16 bits and up to 8 channels

The new generation of analog terminals offers multi-functional channels for all standard signals in the ±10 V and ±20 mA range, a 16-bit resolution and a 2-ksps sampling rate.

Optimized digital output terminals for maximum flexibility

Optimized digital output terminals for maximum flexibility

The new EL24xx EtherCAT Terminals complement the digital output portfolio and combine familiar functionality with an optimized circuit architecture.

EtherCAT P Box modules for unique device addressing

EtherCAT P Box modules for unique device addressing

In modular and often dynamic systems such as hot connect groups, individual devices within a network must be uniquely addressed. The EtherCAT P Box modules with ID switch feature three hexadecimal rotary addressing switches that can be used to set an individual address from 0 to 4095.

Optimized digital input terminals for maximum flexibility

Optimized digital input terminals for maximum flexibility

The new EL14xx EtherCAT Terminals complement the digital input portfolio and combine familiar functionality with an optimized circuit architecture.

Multi-functional box for analog input signals

Multi-functional box for analog input signals

The EP3754-0002 EtherCAT Box module combines the functionalities of various analog input modules in a single housing unit. With four channels that can be individually parameterized via EtherCAT, this multi-functional box measures voltage, current, resistance, and temperature values in 16-bit resolution.