Integrates process technology into the overall control system:
Sede central España
Beckhoff Automation S.A.
Integrates process technology into the overall control system:
As a supplier to the automotive, electrical and construction industry as well as many other markets, the steel industry is one of the largest industrial sectors in the world and it faces extreme price pressures through rising global competition. Even if steel production still focuses on blast furnaces, continuous casting lines and rolling mills, the topics of digitalization and Industrie 4.0 have made their way into this tradition-steeped industry. Continuous process monitoring and connectivity along the entire value chain are essential for ensuring high quality, flexibility and efficiency in production.
From site development and operation to the logistics required to deliver to buyers, the integration of PC- and EtherCAT-based automation offers ideal conditions for horizontal and vertical communication in the context of a smart factory. In this way, carmakers, for example, can access rolling mill processes online in order to specify or change the material quality, dimensions and quantities of steel to be rolled, and tailor the delivery date just-in-time to suit their production schedules. For rolling mills in the steel mill, this means that such production changes have to be implemented quickly and flexibly. Because PC-based control technology integrates all functions in software, production changes can be accommodated flexibly. The collection, storage, analysis and linking of production, energy and plant data as captured in real-time allows precise process control and the ability to respond quickly to any irregularities. Efficient plant management also has a cost-reducing effect. For example, the production processes can be flexibly adapted to the energy supply. Measurement technology implemented in hardware and software modules allows seamless integration of measurement applications into the control system. This enables preventive maintenance based on intelligent machine monitoring and prevents costly plant outages. The integration of automation and process technology on one platform allows the processing of signals from both hazardous and non-hazardous areas.