The open, PC-based control technology as well as specific technology function blocks from the TwinCAT Hydraulic Library offer an optimal platform for automating a wide range of folding and bending processes efficiently and in a time-saving manner. The various function blocks can be used completely or individually. For folding, for example, ready-made technology function blocks are available for the press beam and the back gauges. In addition, it is possible to use algorithms for the calculation of the insertion depth as well as for the positioning of the back gauges. The automatic calculation of the bending order avoids collisions during the folding process. The software is designed with open interfaces so that users can easily implement individual adaptations and extensions and add their own algorithms. Moreover, machine manufacturers have access to the whole Beckhoff I/O range for integrating additional functions such as safety technology, acquisition of energy data, condition monitoring or optional peripheries.
Beckhoff technologies and components optimize the bending process
Round bending machines with three or four rollers are ideal candidates for automation with Beckhoff components. During pipe production, the rollers constantly have to follow new setpoints. Using high-resolution CAM tables in conjunction with external setpoint generator, any tube geometries can be produced using the Motion Control solution from Beckhoff. In addition, there is the option to obtain setpoints from a higher-level NC I. Regardless of whether you are dealing with small electric or hybrid machines or large, fully hydraulically driven machines with a sheet width of 24 m and a sheet thickness of more than 300 mm, PC-based control from Beckhoff offers a comprehensive, well-coordinated and scalable component portfolio:
- A large selection of standard operating devices for round bending machines enables ergonomic operation.
- In conjunction with EtherCAT, the IP20 terminals enable space-saving, central installation in the control cabinet.
- The TwinCAT software function blocks for Motion Control and the Beckhoff servo drives and motors provide a universal Motion Control architecture for electric and hydraulic axes.
- Tailor-made cam plate modules support precise pipe production.
- condition monitoring terminals for controlling hydraulic pressures, pump vibrations and supply networks

Bending machines are indispensable for pipe and profile processing. The high positioning accuracy required for pipe bending places particularly high demands on the control technology. Thanks to position controller cycle times of 31.25 µs, as offered by the Beckhoff servo drives, these positioning requirements can easily be met. In addition, Beckhoff is the ideal partner for the automation of auxiliary units such as pipe feeders.
- Motors with OCT (One Cable Technology) reduce the cabling effort by 50 %.
- The AX8000 multi-axis servo system optimally supports the bending process thanks to its high control accuracy.
- IP20 terminals in conjunction with EtherCAT enable space-saving, centralized installation and reduce the cabling work.
- The TwinCAT software function blocks for Motion Control and the Beckhoff servo drives and motors provide a universal Motion Control architecture for electric and hydraulic axes.
- TwinCAT CNC comprises ready-to-use processing solutions based on DIN 66025/ISO.

In the folding process, it is essential to balance mechanically coupled axes with micron accuracy. These requirements can easily be met using the ready-made gantry or master/slave axis coupling blocks from Beckhoff. The non-linear gear units normally used here can be represented by closed equations or in the form of lookup tables.
A comprehensive portfolio of software- and hardware-based control components is available for swivel bending machines with hydraulic or electric drive technology of any size:
- EtherCAT as a fast Ethernet-based fieldbus for I/Os and drive technology
- Motors with OCT (One Cable Technology) reduce the cabling effort by 50 %.
- The IP 67 EtherCAT Box modules enable decentralized process data acquisition directly at the machine.
- The ultra-compact Industrial PCs from the C60xx series save installation space in the control cabinet.
- TwinCAT PTP and TwinCAT Hydraulics from Beckhoff provide a universal Motion Control architecture for electric and hydraulic axes.
- By supporting standardized protocols such as MQTT and AMQP, relevant process data can be transferred to a cloud service.

In die bending, an upper die pushes the sheet into a V-shaped lower die. Particularly with free bending, very precise position guidance is essential for a perfect bending result. In addition, the back gauges ensure the appropriate leg lengths. Beckhoff offers tailor-made solutions for all bending process requirements:
- With the aid of compact drive technology from Beckhoff, the back gauges can be addressed directly in the terminal network. This enables significant savings in terms of space requirements and wiring effort.
- TwinSAFE, the electronic safety technology from Beckhoff, offers solutions for safe working at the press brake.
- TwinCAT PTP, TwinCAT Hydraulics and the Beckhoff servo drives and servomotors provide a universal motion control architecture for electric and hydraulic axes.
- Characteristic diagram linearization enables micrometer-precise positioning of the upper die.
- Consistent implementation of all functionalities as software modules avoids the need for special external hardware. This reduces hardware costs, engineering effort and lifecycle costs.
- TwinCAT HMI provides an ergonomic user interface in HTML5 with optional integration of bending algorithms.