
Headquarters Australia
Beckhoff Automation Pty. Ltd.

Building 4, 163–179 Forster Road
Mount Waverley, VIC 3149, Australia

+61 3 9912 5430

TwinSAFE safe drive technology

A broad range of components equipped with TwinSAFE Logic means full freedom in terms of choosing an architecture for the safety application at hand. In terms of I/O components, the TwinSAFE system offers an appropriate choice of safe input, output and mixed components, allowing the solution to be easily adapted to the specific requirements. The broad range of TwinSAFE components for all requirements includes the EtherCAT Terminals for control cabinet installation, the EtherCAT Box modules for use directly in the field and the EtherCAT plug-in modules for use in series machines.

In the area of drive technology, too, solutions are scarcely conceivable any more without safety functionality. Beckhoff has therefore integrated safety functionalities in its drive solutions early on, both into standard and compact drive technology.

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