Extended environmental conditions
standard I/O components for increased requirements
Headquarters United States
Beckhoff Automation LLC
+1 952 890-0000
standard I/O components for increased requirements
Beckhoff offers a wide range of products for harsh operating conditions such as extreme temperatures or high mechanical stresses due to shock and vibration. The increased requirements can already be met with the standard I/O components, i.e. at no additional cost. This means that the extremely diverse standard portfolio of EtherCAT Terminals, EtherCAT Box modules, EtherCAT plug-in modules and Bus Terminals is also available for use under adverse environmental conditions.
Many industries and areas of application place higher demands on the load capacity of automation components due to difficult environmental conditions. Examples of this are presses, wind turbines and all applications in which shock and vibration stresses or strong heating can occur in normal processes. Such demanding applications require on the one hand a correspondingly robust I/O system, but on the other the same flexibility that a standard portfolio offers with its variety of components and signals. In addition, the advantages of the high-performance EtherCAT communication can be optimally used with the extended properties of the standard portfolio, even under extreme environmental conditions.
The EtherCAT Terminal system provides a comprehensive range of products for all signals in the world of automation.
EtherCAT high-performance directly in the field: Beckhoff offers an I/O system in IP67 with the EtherCAT Box modules.
The EtherCAT plug-in modules reduce the wiring work and system installation time with standard machines.
The Bus Terminal system is an open and fieldbus-neutral I/O system consisting of Bus Couplers and electronic terminal blocks.